At some point in the evolution of electric vehicles (EVs), Elon Musk’s ideas have taken over. He has prompted the reluctant CEO’s of the automobile industry to speak up. Unfortunately, not in a realistic way that many of us would have hoped. Recently at a New Zealand press event, the President of Jeep, Christian Maunier, claimed they would be offering an electric variant of all their models by 2020. For anyone versed in Jeep or EV’s, I’m sure you raised your eyebrows. This is because currently in the United States, you cannot buy ANY of the Jeep models in an electric variant. Yes, we know the Wrangler has a mild hybrid option, but we’re talking plug-in electric motor cars.
Amid the climate crisis the world is in, it’s certainly refreshing to see the world’s CEO promising change. However, making unrealistic claims is another story. Until now, most automakers have looked to offer more EV’s, wherein comparison, Jeep has stayed fairly reserved on the topic. Although, in the spring, they did announce the Renegade and Compass are becoming plug-in hybrid models. Even with that announcement, the jump to offering an electric variant for all models seems far-fetched, at the least.
The other issue with this claim lies with the combination of the words “greenest” and “SUV brand”, put together. The fact is, EVs are not at the same hauling and towing level as the traditional vehicle. The major sell for an SUV or truck for many people is their level of power and ability to do activities hypothetically needed for the vehicle. So although EVs have made significant developments in terms of pricing and range, the energy levels are just not there yet.
In theory, I’m sure everyone would be delighted to drive an all-electric Jeep of their choice. But in practice, converting the entire Jeep lineup by 2022 is pretty well impossible. So, unfortunately, it’s going to be a while before we can enjoy the Jeep at the same power level and in all the same places, as the traditional make.
However, that is not to say that other companies aren’t in the race to claim the “greenest SUV” title of the world. Tesla, Rivian, and Ford are all strong competitors in that race, we should be able to expect some pretty awesome developments from these three companies in the next while. As for Jeep, we aren’t quite convinced yet, but then again, who doesn’t like cheering for the underdog?